
Managing your family’s wealth is a very important responsibility that can be time consuming and requires financial expertise. 随着时代和生活的变化, this responsibility takes time and attention away from other business or personal ventures.

信任LBMC家族办公室来承担您的日常管理责任. 30年来,我们一直在照顾纳什维尔一些最显赫的家庭. 让我们以同样的方式照顾你和你的家人.

LBMC家庭办公室与您的家人密切合作,了解您的特殊情况, 关注点和目标.

LBMC Family Office team provides peace of mind and coordination for high-net worth households with complex financial commitments that require vast expertise in many facets.


你不必是洛克菲勒家族的一员,也能享受家族理财室的好处. 而传统上, only families with a net worth of $100 million or more would establish a family office to control and maintain the family fortune, 这种做法已经扩大到包括更广泛的客户.

Firms today offer multi-family office services that assist families with services ranging from only bill pay to a full concierge-type service. 你的家人需要多少关注,你就付出多少关注.

公司服务于多个家庭, 因此,维持一个员工的成本是由多个家庭分摊的, 使服务能够被更大的群体访问. Whether you’re dealing with multi-generational wealth or are in the process of generating wealth, 这些服务可能对你有益.


在入门级,家族理财室可以帮助支付账单. All of your monthly bills can be directed to the firm where mail is processed and bills are paid with little involvement from you. 你总是很清楚要付多少钱, 但你不是在和报纸打交道, 日常信息的归档或组织.

The firm maintains copies of bills, reconciles bank accounts and delivers reports to you. This service is popular with entrepreneurs and executives whose valuable time is more productively spent increasing wealth than with routine financial maintenance.

账单支付 is also helpful for individuals who own multiple homes or investment properties and would like to have expenses segregated for management and planning. 在我们这个时代,许多提前退休的人都在照顾他们的父母. 账单支付服务对于节省时间和提供内心的平静可能是无价的.


比账单支付更进一步的是包括个人财务报表在内的一揽子服务. 公司会根据你拥有的资产创建一份资产负债表,并定期更新. 投资活动已入账. 信用卡活动和税务相关费用的详细信息被跟踪. An income statement is generated monthly to help you monitor the performance of your investments and track your spending — potentially maximizing your tax savings throughout the year. 因为注册会计师事务所是家族办公室服务的主要提供者之一, 你的家族办公室已经和你的报税员密切合作了. 他们已经可以看到你当前的财务报告了, 简化你的年终税务准备.


还提供了一些增值服务. A family office team can make sure your household employees are paid and that payroll tax returns are filed on time. They can put a budget in place so you can anticipate upcoming expenses and make sure cash is available when needed. They can also coordinate direct transfers from your investment accounts as cash is needed.

一项受欢迎的服务是保险政策的年度审查, 包括家庭, 汽车和贵重物品, 以及伞状保险和其他特殊保险. 家族办公室可以验证保单是最新的, 保险范围是足够的,你不必承担责任. They can also maintain a schedule and watch for renewals so that no payments slip through the cracks and coverage doesn’t lapse. 这项服务能让你心安理得,这样你就可以把精力集中在其他地方.


可能性从那里扩展. 如果有个人经济援助的得力助手,那该有多自由啊? 为了购买新资产,您是否需要抵押贷款或个人贷款信息? 只需联系您的客户经理. 您需要支票的复印件吗? 一年中你给某个供应商付了多少钱的历史记录怎么样? 也许你收到了国税局的税务通知. 在打一个电话或打一封电子邮件的时间里, your requests will be answered by an account manager who already knows your financial history and can respond quickly.


虽然这些服务显然对忙碌的高管和企业家有益, 经济状况好的家庭也能从中受益.

Your family office can help establish wealth transfer policies and help develop and implement distribution schedules to heirs, 以及每年的礼物. 每年的趋势报告将显示谁已经和将获得分发, 因此,继承人可以为税务问题以及慈善和投资机会做计划.

Second or third generation heirs may need help managing the wealth they’ve inherited and growing it for future generations. 家族办公室可以作为一个中心,其辐条延伸到税收领域, 家庭法和遗产规划. 他们可以推荐值得信赖的投资管理提供商, and educate families on how to maintain wealth with tax and estate planning or through the establishment of trusts. They can even help create a family foundation that provides an ongoing legacy of charitable giving to issues that are important to the family.


另一个代际问题是照顾年迈的父母. A family office can help with day-to-day matters for children overseeing finances for their parents, 包括确保支付医疗和家庭账单. This can be a comfort to those who may not live near their parents or for siblings who share the responsibility of care. Having an account manager outside the family who knows the family and is reporting to each of the parties involved in the same manner, 提供透明度,帮助维持家庭和谐.


Property owners with multiple homes or investment properties could also benefit from the organization and financial management of a family office. Financial record keeping can be maintained in one accounting software and reports can be generated by property. These reports can identify which properties are performing well and which need attention.

A family office may be a service you’ve needed but either didn’t know existed or didn’t think was a practical option for you. They offer specialized and personalized professional services to help your family preserve its wealth and prepare the next generation, 确保你的遗产能代代相传.



  • We have the advantage of internally coordinating with other departments to make processes seamless because of the wide breadth of services our LBMC family of companies offers.
  • Without an internal staff, there is no worry of turnover, vacation or training new employees.
  • There are potential cost savings associated with consolidating multiple services from many providers to one. The level of knowledge and expertise harnessed through outsourcing to LBMC Family Office exceeds internal family office capabilities.


  • 会计 & 报告
  • 房地产、礼品 & 信托计划
  • 慈善服务
  • 税收筹划 & 合规
  • 投资咨询服务
  • 为支付账单 & 预算
  • 资产保障保险服务