Blockchain, a system first adopted in the financial world that allows 比特币等加密货币 to operate, is taking the healthcare industry by storm (in a good way). 许多人认为,这可能是过去几年困扰医疗行业的众多安全挑战的答案.

As blockchain continues to grow in popularity, both in the financial 和 healthcare industries, 我们LBMC的网络安全团队 是否致力于保持这一新兴技术解决方案的领先地位,并为明升体育app下载客户提供有关区块链的相关信息,以及它在网络安全行业可能产生的影响, 和 for healthcare in particular. 让我们来解决一些我们收到的关于区块链及其对医疗行业影响的最常见问题.


各种监管机构都在研究区块链技术——以及近年来激增的加密货币——并就是否以及如何监管该行业得出了自己的结论. Here is a rundown of the current state of play:

  • 证券交易委员会—通过首次代币发行(ICO)或首次代币发行(ITO)发行的加密货币是证券.
  • Commodity Futures Trading Commission – Cryptocurrencies are commodities.
  • 财政部-加密货币是货币,ico受FinCEN货币转移规则和报告的约束.
  • Internal Revenue Service – Cryptocurrencies are property 和 their sale is taxable.

In short, four separate regulators think they have dominion over cryptocurrencies in some way.


Blockchain technology has been around for almost 10 years. From the launch of Bitcoin – the first blockchain application – in 2009, a lot has changed in the regulatory l和scape. 为应对监管压力,在这一领域运营的公司已开始重新思考和重塑其融资模式. To say there is regulatory uncertainty in this area is an understatement.

At its core, blockchain is a distributed system for recording 和 storing transaction records. 更具体地说, 区块链是一个, 不可更改的点对点交易记录,由链接的交易块构建,并存储在数字分类账中.

Blockchain users can only update the “block” (transaction record) to which they have access.  Once a user submits an update request, the participating parties run algorithms to evaluate the proposed record update, 和, 一旦获得批准, those updates get replicated across the network, so that all other parties are aware of the transaction update that was just made. 以这种方式, 所有参与者都知道与区块链的交互,并且在添加或复制信息之前需要网络进行验证. All entries are time 和 date stamped, which provides a detailed audit trail of all interactions. The data is encrypted, unchangeable, 和 is up-to-date on all participants’ systems.

How could blockchain revolutionize the healthcare industry?

Because records are spread across a network of replicated databases, 区块链为医疗保健组织负责管理的大量数据提供了新的潜在安全优势.

而区块链为医疗保健行业提供了各种机会,以加强医学研究和简化财务管理, here are a few specific ways it may be leveraged for improved data management 和 security:

  • Enhanced Data Interoperability 和 Security — In the absence of a national patient identifier, blockchain could be a great mechanism for keeping individuals 和 their records together. Because Blockchain validates 和 stores data in patterns that can’t be modified, 它有可能成为保持卫生数据最新所需的基础设施的关键组成部分, 隐私和安全,同时促进与相关方共享信息的能力(如在健康信息交换中),并进一步实现连接医疗设备的好处. 这种新级别的互操作性可以帮助供应商以经济有效的方式在整个医疗保健生态系统中提供卓越的患者护理,从而消除与此相关的一些IT挑战.
  • 欺诈防范 — Blockchain-based systems could help minimize Medicare Fraud, which suffered more than $30 million in losses due to fraud in 2016. 例如, 主动监控网络犯罪分子使用的模式,可以为依赖机器学习的欺诈检测系统提供信息,以不断提高其灵敏度.

Income 税es Matter - Rethinking the Structure of the ICO Model

Blockchain companies have often relied on the issuance of tokens or coins to raise money. Essentially, the ICO/ITO model is crowdfunding for blockchain start-ups. Companies took great pains to structure their offerings, with the help of their legal counsel, to ensure that SEC regulations did not apply. 这通常是通过设计令牌或硬币在网络上具有实用性而不是具有受监管的安全性的特征来实现的.

然而, 越来越多的公司开始考虑向美国证交会(SEC)的规定靠拢,并将发行作为注册证券. 代币或硬币可以通过私募向合格投资者提供,并在美国证券交易委员会注册. 在ICO过程中接受SEC的监督可以帮助减轻未来的不确定性.

美国国税局将加密货币视为财产,代币或硬币的销售需缴纳联邦所得税. For companies issuing utility tokens, 这给早期的区块链初创企业带来了一系列挑战,因为通过ICO筹集的资金中有很大一部分被指定用于税收.

For companies issuing securities via the blockchain, special attention must be paid to the structure of the offering. 根据美国国税局(IRS)的规定,ipo既要遵守SEC的规定,又要缴纳所得税,这可能会出现两全其美的结果.

在任何一种模式下, 从ICO流程的一开始就让您的税务顾问参与进来,以帮助减少和规划潜在的税收负担是至关重要的.

What are the challenges of blockchain technology?

Although blockchain technology could be a catalyst of change in the healthcare industry, there are a couple of challenges to keep in mind:

  • Transitioning from Current Systems. 实施区块链技术来管理患者数据的主要障碍之一是数据已经由当前系统管理. Blockchain technology would require a complete change, 从中心化, highly-entity-controlled systems to distributed, 开放, 和, 潜在的全球系统.
  • Lack of Buy-in from Doctors 和 Nurses. 过渡到任何新系统(无论是否涉及区块链)都需要利益相关者的支持. 然而, a doctor’s first response to a new product is often very cautious. 有充分的理由, 提供者不愿做出任何可能对病人护理的效率或效果产生负面影响的改变. 让利益相关者了解新系统的好处和区块链的功能(除了明显的安全增强之外)将是在时机成熟时获得他们支持的关键.

Blockchain is fast becoming a familiar word in business vernacular. 各公司合作开发基于区块链的系统,并努力将其定位为医疗保健行业的潜在解决方案,这将是一件有趣的事情. Savvy leaders will keep a close eye on this technology 和 its impact on the IT world, 和 they should seek to stay on “top” of the chain.

As the leader in healthcare IT security, LBMC针对整个医疗保健生态系统中实体的安全性和遵从性问题进行了调整. If you want to know more about blockchain technology, 和 the potential benefits it could provide your organization, 与明升体育app下载团队建立联系 今天.