Blockchain technology has been around for almost 10 years. From the launch of Bitcoin – the first blockchain application – in 2009, a lot has changed in the regulatory l和scape. 为应对监管压力,在这一领域运营的公司已开始重新思考和重塑其融资模式. To say there is regulatory uncertainty in this area is an understatement.
At its core, blockchain is a distributed system for recording 和 storing transaction records. 更具体地说, 区块链是一个, 不可更改的点对点交易记录,由链接的交易块构建,并存储在数字分类账中.
Blockchain users can only update the “block” (transaction record) to which they have access. Once a user submits an update request, the participating parties run algorithms to evaluate the proposed record update, 和, 一旦获得批准, those updates get replicated across the network, so that all other parties are aware of the transaction update that was just made. 以这种方式, 所有参与者都知道与区块链的交互,并且在添加或复制信息之前需要网络进行验证. All entries are time 和 date stamped, which provides a detailed audit trail of all interactions. The data is encrypted, unchangeable, 和 is up-to-date on all participants’ systems.